Book your first appointment

Get started by booking your Initial Chiropractic Consultation with Dr. Boucher below.

Please book via the form for a Chiropractic Initial Consult for your first appointment.

Please see Spinal Energetic section below to add yourself to the waitlist if you are interested in Group Spinal Energetic and Breathwork Events.

Dr Boucher’s skill set involves working not just with the physical body and the nervous system but also the energetic system as well. Naturally her chiropractic adjustments encompass this.

So although her regular chiropractic adjustments aren’t exclusively ‘spinal energetics’ sessions, she may incorporate elements of energetic work in her sessions if that’s what you are also looking for support with. You can book via the form above for this.

Spinal Energetics Group Event Waitlist

Dr Katelyn has closed her books for Spinal Energetics for one on one appointments as she it at capacity.

If you like to be notified to experience Spinal Energetics through Group Events, please fill out the waitlist form so you can be first notified when a Group Spinal Energetic Event is released.